Sunday, September 14, 2008

Conference: Hawai‘i State Historic Preservation Laws: Reclaiming the Past, Shaping the Future

Sometimes visitor here at propertyprof Carl Christensen reports that the University of Hawaii's William S. Richardson School of Law is hosting a conference on "Hawai‘i State Historic Preservation Laws: Reclaiming the Past, Shaping the Future" on September 27. Dr. Patrick Kirch, Departments of  Anthropology and Integrative Biology University of California, Berkeley is the keynote speaker.

Other speakers and moderators are:

Dr. Kehau Abad, O‘ahu Island Burial Council
Dawn N.S. Chang, Ku‘iwalu
Prof. Carl C. Christensen, William  S. Richardson School of Law
Dr. Thomas S. Dye, T.S. Dye and Associates
Moses Haia, Esq., Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation
Dr. Holly McEldowney, DLNR, Division of State Parks 
Nancy McMahon, DLNR, Historic Preservation Division 
Kai Markell, Office of Hawaiian Affairs 
William M. Tam, Esq., Alston Hunt Floyd & Ing
Robert H. Thomas, Esq., Pacific Legal Foundation

Alfred L. Brophy

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