Monday, September 8, 2008

Call for Papers: Property Ownership and Economic Stability: A Necessary Relationship

The editors of the Saint Louis University Public Law Review sent along this interesting call for papers:

The Saint Louis University Public Law Review invites abstracts of articles relating to its Spring 2009 symposium theme: Property Ownership and Economic Stability: A Necessary Relationship?

The symposium, which will be held on Friday, February 27, 2009, will consist of three round-table panel discussions examining the relationship between property ownership and economic stability for lower-income households, both in the United States and internationally.

Property Ownership in the U.S.: New Definitions for a New Era?
This panel will focus on the impact of both private and public land use restrictions, including common interest community servitudes and governance rules, on residential property rights.

Property Rights and Economic Stability in the International Context
This panel will consider how legal reforms in other countries, such as changes to the titling process and the role of homeowners associations, have affected the ability of low-income
people to occupy or dispose of their residences.

Ownership in Flux: the Role of the Federal Government in the Homeownership Debate

This panel will examine the implications of a national emphasis on homeownership, as opposed to support for rental programs.

Invitations to present and publish will be made by the Editorial Board following review of abstracts submitted, which should be limited to 300 words and represent original, unpublished work. Abstracts must be received by October 1, 2008 to be considered, and responses to submissions will be sent on or before November 1, 2008. Drafts of papers selected must be received by January 21, 2009.

Following the February 27, 2009 conference, final drafts of papers to be published must be received by April 1, 2009. The papers will be published in the Fall 2009 edition of the Public Law Review.

Abstracts may be submitted to Laura Schwarz, Lschwa13 at

Ben Barros

[Comments are held for approval, so there will be some delay in posting]

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