Thursday, July 17, 2008

Townsend Gard and Goda on Virtual Property

Elizabeth Townsend Gard (Tulane) and Rachel Goda (Seattle) have posted The Fizzy Experiment: Second Life, Virtual Property and a 1L Property Course on SSRN.  Here's the abstract:

This work is an attempt to sort out the relationship between virtual property and common law property. How are we to understand the relationship between a virtual table and an actual table? What does property in this context mean exactly? While many have written about this topic from a myriad of perspectives, we took a slightly different approach. We wanted to see what property elements were being used inside one virtual space - Second Life. We sought to understand the relationship between common law property and virtual property by combining our knowledge as a property professor with a cultural history background with an avid gamer turned law student. We called it the Fizzy Experiment.

Ben Barros

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