Thursday, June 26, 2008
Psychology of Heirlooms
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about people's psychological relationships with their property. On this subject, today's NY Times has a fascinating story about family heirlooms and the complex feelings that they generate.
Ben Barros
Photo from Wikicommons
[Comments are held for approval, so there will be some delay in posting]
Ok, I have one for keeping with Brophy's Sonics lease entry.
As sports fans know, sooner or later, the owner of a franchise either sells the team or dies and attempts to leave the team to a son/daughter. Very often in the latter case, tax laws conspire to force the heir to sell the team. In either case, there occurs something of a forced dis-enfrachisement. Or, in the Sonics case, a city attempts (for a variety of reasons) to retain control over an ostensible privately owned team (Greenbay excepted).
How do we or should we view these 'heirlooms' as property? Maybe we could get Prof. Cozillio to comment?
Posted by: Sam Gompers | Jun 30, 2008 5:55:12 AM
Ouch! Too close to home.
Posted by: Carl Christensen | Jun 27, 2008 2:11:29 PM