Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Penalver on the Ambiguities of Gentrification
Over at Prawfs, Eduardo Penalver has a great post on gentrification. Eduardo's post is reacting to a story from the NY Times on gentrification in Harlem.
Ben Barros
[Comments are held for approval, so there will be some delay in posting]
Really very interesting articles. It sounds to me like Penalver is having trouble coming to grips with the fact that some would rather wallow in poverty in a notoriously "malnourished" neighborhood, than see it be resurrected...all for the sake of maintaining its "cultural appeal"--code for racial homogeneity or at best, status quo. True, Demsetz' view may not take this intangible aspect into account. Perhaps Demsetz should rephrase his argument to state "most rational people would, if economically feasible..." This dilemma faces all: the new growth comes at the expense of the old.
But in the end, wanting cheaper housing WITH CRACK ADDICTS included is hardly the kind of position that can stand any level of intelligent scrutiny or discussion.
Posted by: Sam Gompers | Jun 17, 2008 10:11:58 AM