Wednesday, June 18, 2008

GELPI Takings Conference Save-The-Date

I recently received this notice from GELPI:

On November 6-7, 2008, the Georgetown Environmental Law & Policy Institute at Georgetown University Law Center and Stanford Law School’s Environmental and Natural Resources Law & Policy Program will host the 11th Annual Conference on Litigating Takings and Related Legal Challenges to Land Use and Environmental Regulation.

The conference, to be held at Stanford Law School in the San Francisco Bay area, will examine how the Takings Clause and related legal doctrines may undermine the public’s ability to address emerging environmental, public health, and growth management challenges.  A particular focus of this year’s conference will be the potential takings implications of public policy initiatives designed to mitigate and adapt to global warming.  The conference will also address recent legal developments in takings law and related fields, including the latest legal and policy fall out from the Supreme Court’s landmark decisions in Lingle v. Chevron USA and Kelo v. City of New London.  Another featured topic will be future prospects for property rights ballot measures along the lines of Propositions 98 and 99 in California and other states.

Conference faculty will include a mix of leading academic scholars and expert practitioners.  The proceedings of the conference will be published in the Stanford Environmental Law Journal.

Ben Barros

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