Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Albany Seeking PropertyProf

ALBANY LAW SCHOOL invites applications for three or more tenure-track positions beginning in the fall of 2009. Appointment will be made at the assistant, associate or full professor level, depending on experience. While exceptionally talented applicants will be considered regardless of specialty, we are particularly interested in faculty with expertise in one or more of the following areas: PROPERTY, trusts and estates, environmental law, tax, or commercial law (UCC). Candidates must demonstrate: 1) a record of strong academic performance; 2) a record of, or potential for, excellent scholarly publication; and 3) a record of, or potential for teaching in accordance with Best Practices for Legal Education.  Women and members of minority groups and others whose backgrounds and experience will contribute to the diversity of the faculty are especially encouraged to apply.

ALBANY LAW SCHOOL is a small, independent private school in New York State's capital. Established in 1851, it is the oldest independent law school in the nation and the oldest law school in New York. The student-faculty ratio is 14 to1, and the School offers students an innovative, rigorous curriculum taught by a committed faculty. With 48% of the entering class from out of state, the School has a growing national reputation as a small, selective institution committed to academic excellence. You can learn more about the school by visiting our website: www.albanylaw.edu.

Application (electronic preferred) should include cover letter, resume, and a list of publications and be sent to Faculty Recruitment Committee c/o Barbara Jordan-Smith, Dean's Office, Albany Law School, 80 New Scotland Ave., Albany, NY 12208-3494,  [email protected].

Ben Barros

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