Monday, April 7, 2008

Solar Panels vs. Trees!

The New York Times this morning has a fascinating story about two neighbors, eight redwood trees, a solar panel, and - yes - a criminal prosecution for violating a statute called the Solar Shade Act.  This has it all:  a parable of first-in-time vs. solar access, failure of bargaining, nuisance and conflicts between two environmental goals, and, perhaps, the law of unintended consequences.  Great reading!

Nestor Davidson

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Ah, Ben! You beat me to this post. I was going to call it something like, "Shades of Nuisance"! Ha, ha. Nice reprising of Prah v. Maretti--and most interesting that that the California nuisance statute goes back to 1978.

Posted by: Al | Apr 7, 2008 7:13:24 AM

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