Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Somin on Jane Austen, Property Exams, and Literature

Ilya Somin over at volokh, a common source of great discussions here at propertyprof, is talking now about a final exam question based on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.  He concludes with this statement, which warms the heart of this propertyprof:

I'm not going to argue that an understanding of property law is essential to your appreciation of Jane Austen and her work. But it can certainly help! Indeed, property law is probably second only to criminal law as a legal influence on great literature. Yet another reason to study Property (not that we need any more:))! You don't see too many great novels that feature legal issues in corporate law or civil procedure.

Since this is the seasons of exams, I'm inclined to say discuss!  Perhaps I'll start this off with the area I know best--antebellum United States literature.  Certainly a lot of property in there--from Stowe's obscure short story "Love versus Law," to Uncle Tom's Cabin, James Fenimore Cooper's Home as Found and his anti-rent trilogy, to one of my new favorites, Beverly Tucker's George Balcombe.  But I'm sure our friends about at the Conglomerate would want us to remember Theodore Dreiser's The Octopus....

Al Brophy
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