Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Advice to Law Journals, Part 14

Horydczak_theodore This is one I feel really strongly about.

14    allow authors to submit pieces in any way they’d like; don’t limit to expresso or snail mail or email.

Law journals need to get good pieces into their offices in whatever way possible.  It is self-defeating to be limiting the routes they might arrive.  Articles editors--and the deans who provide the financial support for their pieces--ought to accept submissions any way possible, from courier to overnight mail, snail mail, email, and in any format--wordperfect, pdf, word, whatever.  I'm astonished that reviews won't accept submissions via wordperfect through bepress.

Endnote: The Theodore Horydczak image of a row of mailboxes is from our friends at the Library of Congress.

Alfred L. Brophy
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