Thursday, March 29, 2007

Lee on Teaching the Amistad

Brant T. Lee (University of Akron) has posted Teaching the Amistad on SSRN.  Here's the abstract:

This brief essay discusses the use of a slavery case, the Amistad, in teaching a first-year Property Law course. It argues that teaching about slavery in the first year of law school not only emphasizes the significance of race issues in American legal history, but also helps students to connect broader philosophical ideas to the rules at hand. The essay reviews the facts underlying the Amistad case, including reference to the movie about the case and to intellectual property issues that arose in the making of the movie. The essay then traces the deployment in the Amistad case of the standard property themes of possession and title. The essay closes with suggestions about how to connect the discussion of the Amistad to broader themes in property law.

Ben Barros

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Gee, race relations, slavery, movies...

I'm sure this will be so very useful 3 years from now when these students face the property section of their bar exams.

I smell the pungent aroma of indoctrination yet again wafting across the ivory tower.

Posted by: Sam Gompers | Mar 30, 2007 8:19:35 AM

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