Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Homeowner Holdouts
BoingBoing has a cool post that includes some homeowner holdout photos - people who have refused to sell, and are now surrounded by parking lots. Even better is this earlier post, which has two spectacular holdout photos.
UPDATE: Following up on Tish's link in the comments, this post on Peering Into The Interior has some background on the China photo.
UPDATE2: Tish has links to more on the holdout in China.
Ben Barros
[Comments are held for approval, so there will be some delay in posting]
Check it out! The owner of the China's "hold out" house has been found! And, a pioneering "bridge blogger" has translated a long interview with him. Nice picture too!
Posted by: Tish at Ugotrade | Mar 22, 2007 8:00:46 AM
This story and picture of "China's Most Incredible Holdout" traveled around China's blogs and the original story was lost, elaborated on, and then pieced together and rediscovered by Chinese netizens, and finally translated into English by "bridge bloggers."
See my blog for a summary of this story http://www.ugotrade.com (March 10th, 2007 post), and links to the "bridge blogger" and chinese stories, if you get a moment.
The story was investigated and reconstructed again, but ultimately not verified in terms of facts and figures. The power of this picture is that it over rides the specifics!
And, now the story of "China's Most Incredible Holdout," is appearing in Boing Boing and many blogs around the world in yet another incarnation. Very Interesting!
Posted by: Tish | Mar 14, 2007 8:34:22 AM