Sunday, February 4, 2007

What'cha lookin' at?

All-Seeing Eyeball from Emerson's Journal

That's a question we used to ask when I was growing up. 

I'm blogging a lot less these days, slouching towards an extended bloggatical, as I'm finding teaching and writing ever more time consuming.  Hence the non-substantive nature of this post.  But it's super bowl Sunday, so perhaps we can be excused.  And perhaps I shall someday return to talking about recent scholarship I've enjoyed.

Did you know that you can check out sitemeter to see what drives traffic here?  That's an entertaining (sort of) pastime; well, ok, it doesn't compare to some parlor games we play in Tuscaloosa, nor to listening to the Ann Coulter Talking Doll.  I saw recently that someone arrived at propertyprof with this google search "alabama song of the south" meaning--and that led to this post on conservative songs related to property.  It's one of my favorite posts.  At the end of it I mentioned that two other songs that deserve some extended commentary are Alabama's Song of the South and the Five Man Electrical Band's Signs.  Had completely forgotten about this, but I thought that a couple of lines from Song of the South might be in order.

Well somebody told us wall street fell
But we were so poor that we couldn't tell.
Cotton was short and the weeds were tall
But Mr. Roosevelt's a gonna save us all.

Well momma got sick and daddy got down.
The county got the farm and they moved to town.
Pappa got a job with the TVA
He bought a washing machine and then a Chevrolet.

Fred Wright employed that as an epigram for his Alabama Law Review Note on mortgage foreclosures during the New Deal.  Check it out. 

Perhaps another day we'll talk a little about "Signs." ....

Couple of side notes here.  How do you like the walking eyeball, from Emerson's journal, describing the eyeball that sees everything?  That reminds me, I need to talk about Emerson's property lawsuit sometime. 


February 4, 2007 in About This Blog | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Property Pedagogy

Jeremy de Beer at the University of Ottawa is working on an article on property pedagogy, and is looking for material on the subject.  If you know of any good sources, please leave a comment.

Ben Barros

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February 1, 2007 in Teaching | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)