Wednesday, November 8, 2023

NASCO's Latest Report on State Enforcement & Regulation

DownloadThe National Association of State Charity Officials (NASCO) has issued its latest Annual Report on State Enforcement and Regulation covering September 2022 thru September 2023. The report does not attempt to provide comprehensive coverage of state activity with respect to charities during this period. Instead, it "is designed to provide and highlight a sample of activities for the covered period, not to encompass all matters addressed by state charity regulators." Here is the Table of Contents:


1. Enforcement cases in key areas:

a. Deceptive Solicitations

b. Governance

c. Trusts and Estates

d. Other

2. Outreach efforts and published guidance

3. Transaction reviews

4. Regulations and legislation

The report provides numerous scenarios of alleged and proven wrongdoing relating to charities, some of which will be familiar to readers as they have been mentioned in this space. It also provides a useful, albeit anecdotal, snapshot of the many tasks of state charity officials. Those roles include pursuing misappropriation of charitable assets, enforcing registration and reporting requirements, helping parties resolve contentious governance disputes, and educating both the public and charity leaders about relevant laws and legal responsibilities.

Lloyd Mayer

State – Executive, State – Legislative, Studies and Reports | Permalink


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