Thursday, February 14, 2019
The Association for Mid-Career Tax Law Professors 2019 Conference and Call for Papers
The 2019 AMT organizing committee—Michelle Drumbl, Heather Field, Miranda Fleischer, Brian Galle, Shu-Yi Oei, and Darien Shanske—welcomes proposals for our annual conference.
AMT is a recurring conference intended to bring together relatively recently tenured professors of tax law for frank and free-wheeling scholarly discussion. Our fifth (!) annual meeting will be held on Thursday and Friday, June 13 and 14, 2019, at the lovely & temperate campus of the University of San Diego. We’ll begin early on Thursday and adjourn by noon on Friday. Sunscreen is not provided but strongly recommended.
Thanks to the support of USD and its outstanding graduate tax program, AMT is able to provide attendees with conference meals and refreshments. Attendees will be expected to cover remaining expenses incurred while away from home in the pursuit of their trade or business. Conference-rate housing will be available. AMT takes no position on the interaction of sections 132(d), 67, or other potentially applicable provisions. Your in-house finance office probably has it wrong, though.
Eligible participants are those who have been voted tenure by a graduate-degree-granting institution within the past ten years (as of June 13, 2019). Send in your proposal now!
Proposals should provide a brief description (not to exceed one double-spaced page) of a working paper or “incubator” idea that the participant would present at the conference. Participants are expected to read all of the presented papers, and each will serve as lead discussant for one paper. In your proposal, please note additional areas of topical interest for which you would be willing to serve as discussant. In the spirit of recent legislative efforts, the committee can commit to assembling the final program hastily behind closed doors without a formal hearing; there will be no revenue estimates.
Proposals may be submitted to: [email protected] under the subject header “AMT Proposal.” Proposals should be received no later than 5 pm EST on Friday, March 15, 2019. Proposals containing gratuitous Julius Caesar jokes or those otherwise addressing §82 will receive bonus points.