Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Daily Mail Accidentally Runs Wrong Amanda Knox Verdict
In its own "Dewey Beats Truman" moment, the Daily Mail ran the wrong Amanda Knox/Raffaele Sollecito story, reporting that the Italian appeals court had upheld both convictions, before yanking that story and replacing it with the correct version. To be fair, other British papers also initially ran with the incorrect version for a few minutes, apparently having misunderstood the judge's words (bad translation?)
In a post about the Daily Mail story, Roy Greenslade is highly critical of that paper's coverage, however, pointing out that quotations purporting to be from those prosecutors are, well, just that. In his critique, he explains why, while other British papers have suffered some criticism for not getting it right, the Daily Mail is being ravaged for getting it so totally wrong. In that paper's article, we get descriptions of Ms. Knox's complete collapse and quotes from happy prosecutors. Ms. Knox did, in fact, collapse, but from joy at the outcome. More here from The Hollywood Reporter.
So, what does the Daily Mail say today about Ms. Knox? That she is on her way back to the U.S., all smiles. The paper also explains its misstep with regard to yesterday's inaccurate "conviction story."