Monday, May 7, 2007
Freedom House 2007 Survey Out: Details Decline In Press Freedom Around the World
Freedom House has released its 2007 report on press freedom around the world and it says that it has detected a continuing decline in media freedom. According to its press release:
"Among the most critical setbacks singled out by Freedom House this year were:
· Setbacks in Asia—notably Thailand, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, the Philippines and Fiji—stemming from coups, political upheaval, insurgency or states of emergency;
· Setbacks in Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil and other Latin American countries, in some cases due to state action, in others due to a deteriorating security environment;
· Aggressive efforts by the Russian government to further marginalize independent media voices, punctuated by plans to regulate the internet;
· Stagnation in the Middle East/North Africa region, bringing to a halt several years of modest progress."
Here is a link to the press release. Here is a link to the page where the complete report is available.