Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Coverage of GM's New Fund

Joe Nocera has a short opinion piece on Ken Feinberg and his work in progress - the GM claims fund. You can find the piece here.  The question for Feinberg is always - is this replicable?  The answer depends on the company's tolerance for risk and desire for atonement.  

The New York Times' Danielle Ivory also covered the new fund here, explaining how the fund works.

I also recommend the Valukas report on GM. My favorite part is his description of the "GM nod."  Everyone at a meeting nods their head to a plan, nobody actually does anything to move it forward.   


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Kenneth R. Feinberg is destroying America's faith in the federal judicial system: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/09/16/1239165/-The-BP-Oil-Spill-Settlement-Is-Wrong-For-America

Posted by: Brian J. Donovan | Sep 22, 2014 2:41:31 PM

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