Wednesday, March 11, 2009

DePaul Symposium on Rising Stars: A New Generation of Scholars Looks at Civil Justice

DePaul University College of Law is hosting the 15th Annual Clifford Symposium on Tort Law and Social Policy.  This year's topic is Rising Stars: A New Generation of Scholars Looks at Civil JusticeThe symposium will take place on Thursday, April 2, 2009 and Friday April 3, 2009.  Speakers include: Professors Shari Diamond (Northwestern), Eric Feldman (Penn), Marc Galanter (Stanford), Myriam Giles (Cardozo), Michele Goodwin (Minnesota), Daniel Ho (Stanford), Stephan Landsman (DePaul), Richard Lempert (Michigan), David Marcus (Arizona), Daniel Markovits (Yale), Robert Rabin (Stanford), Jennifer Robbennolt (Illinois), Margo Schlanger (Washinton Univ.), Anthony Sebok (Cardozo), Neil Siegel (Duke), Jed Shugerman (Harvard), Benjamin Spencer (Washington & Lee), Catherine Struve (Penn), Suja Thomas (Illinois), Katerina Wyman (NYU), Albert Yoon (Toronto), and Kathryn Zeiler (Georgetown).


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