Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Sebok and Zipursky on Vioxx Settlement Ethics
Excellent FindLaw column today by Tony Sebok and Ben Zipursky -- Getting With the Program: The Vioxx Settlement Agreement. One of their central points is that Vioxx plaintiffs need advice to decide whether to accept the Merck settlement offer, but it is hard for clients to trust their lawyers' advice when the lawyers have already agreed to recommend the settlement to every client.
I know that we can't really trust our lawyers, because they are looking at the end profit for themselves. I have all the gates passed that vioxx says it needs and no previous issues with heart problems. I think that the people who will benefit the most from this is the ones that had died. I am not really sure if I should settle or go on. I am at an age where I can't wait for it to come to trial. It is known that if you settle it is usually at a smaller portion then if you went to trial. But who says that you would actually win if you did go to trial. So which is actually worse less or none.? Thank you
Posted by: Paulette Rogers | Nov 21, 2007 12:20:16 PM