Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Lots of notable green coverage in lots of sections of the Gray Lady

My east coast roots (and bias?) has long led me to look at the New York Times as the "paper of record" in so many ways (and that thinking led me to view as so important  the 2014 New York Times editorial calling for the legalization of marijuana).  But the biggest developments in the marijuana reform space have taken place in other regions, and so other papers, especially the Denver Post and the Boston Globe, have been much more at the forefront of marijuana coverage.

But the Gray Lady seems to be keeping pace with marijuana developments these days, and some headlines from distinct section of the paper this past week highlights all the angles the paper is now covering:

From the local section, "Marijuana Legalization Hits a Wall: First in New Jersey, Then in New York"

From the U.S. section,"Attorneys General From 33 States Urge Pot Banking Reform"

From the "Mind" section, "The Stoner as Gym Rat"

From the "Style" section, "Design’s New Leaf"

And, interestingly, the NYT is also now soliciting tales to tell via this "Reader Center" quesy: "How Has Colorado’s Legalization of Marijuana Affected You? Help us better understand how Coloradans are adapting to their state’s legalization of pot."

Of course, the Gray Lady has not quite yet turned into Marijuana Moment.  But it is still interesting to see the stories it is deciding to cover in this space, and encouraging that they are eager to inquire further.


Current Affairs, History of Marijuana Laws in the United States, Recreational Marijuana Commentary and Debate, Who decides | Permalink


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