Thursday, April 18, 2019
Terrific coverage of all sorts of issues via Reason's "Weed Week"
As a general matter, I am not too keen on all the marijuana buzz devoted to 4/20. But, as a specific matter, I really like what folks at Reason have a put together in a "Weed Week" series of pieces. Here are the pieces posted to date:
"I Got Stoned and Did My Taxes: Being comfortably high makes the burden of taxes a bit less awful" by Liz Wolfe
"Is Marijuana a Gateway to Opioids?: The association between cannabis consumption and use of other drugs is clear, but its meaning is not" by Jacob Sullum
"Pot Christmas Is Around the Corner, So Grab Yourself Some Useful Gifts: For the special stoner in your life (particularly if that stoner is you)" by Zuri Davis
"How Even Legal Marijuana Use Can Land You in Jail: Failed drug tests can send people on probation or parole back into prison cells" by Scott Shackford
"The Craft Brewed Cannabis Goldrush: Who Needs Weed When You Can Use Yeast?" by Ronald Bailey
"Pot Can Earn You Profits or a Prison Sentence: It all depends on where you happen to be" by Jacob Sullum
"Surprise: Virtually All Presidential Candidates (Including Trump) Are Good on Pot Legalization" What a difference a few decades make when it comes to letting the states decide marijuana's status." by Nick Gillepsie and Jacob Sullum
"Would You Eat a CBD Burger? Carl’s Jr. Wants to Find Out. The burger chain plans to flout FDA regulations with special 4/20 offering" by Eric Boehm
"I Gave My Dog CBD Oil To Calm Him Down and Help His Separation Anxiety: Spoiler alert: He's still a rowdy boy." by Zuri Davis
"Could This California Environmental Law Be the Cannabis Industry’s ‘Silent Killer’?: The California Environmental Quality Act is empowering anti-cannabis NIMBYs and causing regulatory chaos" by Christian Britschgi