Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Reserve a seat at the Ohio State Cannabiz Roundtable on January 31

Qualtrics-header-800x292I am so very pleased to be able to be a part of an exciting panel discussion taking place next week, the "Ohio State Cannabiz Roundtable."  The event is described at this website, where one can and should register ASAP.  Here is the event description and expected participants:

With cannabis being illegal at the federal level but many states moving to legalize it for both medical and recreational purposes, how does one navigate this new emerging market properly? The birth of this new multi-billion industry is being accompanied by a lot of unusual challenges, risks, and opportunities. Please join us for a discussion of the various aspects of this market – dealing with regulations and legal questions, raising funds, working through a financial system that is disinclined to serve them, and running a new business in an unchartered territory. After our panel discussion, students and attendees will have a chance to speak to each panelist in a small group setting to ask questions and network. This is a unique opportunity to better understand the rapidly rising market of cannabis, don’t miss out!

Hosts: Center for Innovation Strategies and Drug Enforcement and Policy Center

January 31, 2019 at 9am -- 2nd Floor Rotunda, Mason Hall


Business laws and regulatory issues, Medical Marijuana Commentary and Debate, Recreational Marijuana Commentary and Debate | Permalink


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