Thursday, November 9, 2017

Advanced Legal Writing Seminar at the Chicago Bar Association

Kathleen Dillon NarkoProfessor Kathleen Dillon Narko will teach an Advanced Legal Writing Seminar at the Chicago Bar Association on December 1, 2017 from noon to 2:10 p.m. The program will earn attendees two Illinois MCLE credits.

Professor Narko teaches Communication and Legal Reasoning at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law in Chicago. She is a frequent presenter at national and regional Legal Writing Institute conferences, and has written and spoken on a variety of topics related to communication and legal analysis. Her research interests include collaboration and learning theory and integration of analytical communication in law practice. She received her her B.A. in history, cum laude, from Yale University and her J.D. from Cornell Law School. She currently serves on the Editorial Board of the Chicago Bar Association Record and is a former member of the Chicago Bar Association Board of Managers.

The program is free for CBA Members who have the CLE Advantage Package, $50 for CBA members who don't have the CLE Advantage Package, and $100 for persons who are not members of the Chicago Bar Association. If you miss the live program on December 1, 2017, you can rent the DVD version of it after the program. Contact the Chicago Bar Association for more information about registration or renting the DVD version of the program.

Mark E. Wojcik (mew)

November 9, 2017 | Permalink | Comments (0)