Saturday, August 22, 2009
LWI publishes monograph on art of critiquing
A new monograph series by the Legal Writing Institute collects and reprints significant published works on specific topics relevant to teaching, curriculum, scholarship, and professional status. Representing both recent scholarship and the classics in our field, Volume One, The Art of Critiquing Written Work, contains an impressive array of scholarship concerning professor-delivered critique of student work (both written and oral critique), peer review, and even self-critique. Authors and their articles are listed below. Visit the LWI web page to download the entire issue or any individual article, an easy way to build your professional library.
Articles on critiquing student work:
- Daniel L. Barnett, "Form Ever Follows Function”: Using Technology to Improve Feedback on Student Writing in Law School, 42 Val. U. L. Rev. 755 (2008).
- Daniel L. Barnett, Triage in the Trenches of the Legal Writing Course: The Theory and Methodology of Analytical Critique, 38 U. Tol. L. Rev. 651 (2007).
- Linda L. Berger, A Reflective Rhetorical Model: The Legal Writing Teacher as Reader and Writer, 6 Leg. Writing 57 (2000).
- Kirsten K. Davis, Building Credibility in the Margins: An Ethos-Based Perspective for Commenting on Student Papers, 12 Leg. Writing 73 (2006).
- Anne Enquist, Critiquing and Evaluating Law Students’ Writing: Advice from Thirty-Five Experts, 22 Seattle U. L. Rev. 1119 (1999).
- Anne Enquist, Critiquing Law Students’ Writing: What the Students Say Is Effective, 2 Leg. Writing 145 (1996).
- Jane Kent Gionfriddo, The “Reasonable Zone of Right Answers”: Analytical Feedback on Student Writing, 40 Gonz. L. Rev. 427 (2004-2005).
- Jane Kent Gionfriddo, Daniel L. Barnett & E. Joan Blum, A Methodology for Mentoring Writing in Law Practice: Using Textual Clues to Provide Effective and Efficient Feedback, 27 Quinnipiac L. Rev. 171 (2009).
- Jessie C. Grearson, From Editor to Mentor: Considering the Effect of Your Commenting Style, 8 Leg. Writing 147 (2002).
- Mary Kate Kearney & Mary Beth Beazley, Teaching Students How to “Think Like Lawyers”: Integrating Socratic Method with the Writing Process, 64 Temp. L. Rev. 885 (1991).
- Richard K. Neumann, Jr., A Preliminary Inquiry into the Art of Critique, 40 Hastings L.J. 725 (1989).
- Robin S. Wellford-Slocum, The Law School Student-Faculty Conference: Towards a Transformative Learning Experience, 45 S. Tex. L. Rev. 255 (2004).
Articles on peer-reviewed forms of critique:
- Linda L. Berger, Applying New Rhetoric to Legal Discourse: The Ebb and Flow of Reader and Writer, Text and Context, 49 J. Leg. Educ. 155 (1999).
- Kirsten K. Davis, Designing and Using Peer Review in a First-Year Legal Research and Writing Course, 9 Leg. Writing 1 (2003).
Article on self-critique (good for students and professors):
- Mary Beth Beazley, The Self-Graded Draft: Teaching Students to Revise Using Guided Self-Critique, 3 Leg. Writing 175 (1997).
Hat tip and thanks to the series' editor-in-chief, Jane Kent Gionfriddo (who, as you can see, also wrote a couple of the articles). Congratulations to all the authors for being selected for this inaugural issue.