Friday, May 29, 2009

Scholarship alert: "Training field supervisors to be efficient and effective critics of student writing"

This article, by Professor Bernadette Feeley of U. Suffolk Law School, is from a conference called "Externships 4:  A Bridge to Practice."  It's available at 15 Clinical Law Review 211 (2009).  From the abstract:

This article discusses how law student externs can benefit if their field supervisors use legal writing pedagogical techniques to provide feedback on student writing. The goal of the article is to provide ten concrete techniques for legal writing critique that externship clinicians can pass along to their field supervisors to help them provide effective yet efficient critique of student writing projects. The article first discusses common roadblocks to quality supervision of student writing projects. It then explains ten techniques for critique developed from examination of pedagogy and literature of legal writing educators. The author concludes that externship clinicians can facilitate the critiquing process by educating field supervisors on ways to provide meaningful guidance and feedback that will make a significant contribution to a student extern's development as a capable legal writer.

I am the scholarship dude.


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