Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Law Video that is Destine to go Viral ...

So we might as well face the music now.  This incredibly powerful video was produced by   And who created Rethink Law?  The same folks discussed here.

Rethink Law (US) from Liana Guzman on Vimeo.

The revolution is here.  It is going to happen. For a detailed analysis of the rise of what I call "Susskind's World" and the new legal entrepenuers, see Part II.C of The Blueprint for Change.

Current events, Innovations in law, Law Firms, New and Noteworthy, Structural change | Permalink


It would be a lot more convincing if it used real rather than nominal data. Most, but maybe not all, of the main points would still be valid, but we'd have information instead of scare stories.

And it would actually be powerful if it had content at the end rather than just saying, "there will be change, we'll get back to you."

As it is....meh.

Posted by: Lawyer | Apr 4, 2013 5:53:18 PM

By this video's own admission, the practice of law changed a lot more from 1968 to 2000 than it has in the last few years. Yet those years are considered to be some kind of paleolithic stasis period and the recent years are a major watershed? And major factors, like the high level of international trade and explosion of regulation that consistently employ many thousands of lawyers (neither of which used to exist), are completely ignored.


Posted by: Aaron | Apr 17, 2013 6:43:07 PM

It's the failure of the Blue Model, again. The same centralization, followed by alternatives to the virtual monopoly created during the "progressive" era. The same kind of bubble is building in medicine, and when that one collapses, the effect will be catastrophic in some very real ways. More government intervention to protect the cartels of mdicine will only exacerbate the problem and make the crash worse. The answer is in de-licensing. Deregulation of law is probably the answer, too.

Posted by: teapartydoc | Apr 18, 2013 4:18:03 AM

Old thinking works fine here: lower your prices now that supply of lawyers has boomed.

Posted by: NikFromNYC | Apr 18, 2013 8:41:11 AM

The problem is that the big firms have seen the monopoly style model that has made partners rich in Europe by squeezing the solo guys out of business. One problem that exists is the fact that these big firms are hiring attorneys right out of law school and billing them out at exorbitant rates and the GC's and others are not happy paying a 1st year $600/hour for e-discovery work with a contract team. One possible solution would be to bill what the associate is actually worth, not just because of the name on the sign, and business partners will be happy with the work product and they won't drop their firms for feeling like they have been ripped off.

Posted by: Nick | Aug 5, 2013 7:05:32 AM

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