Friday, June 29, 2012

What is the "Ignite" Format of Presentation?

Ignite rules are simple:  a talk with 20 PowerPoints that advance automatically every 20 seconds.  Six minutes to make your point.  It you don't know your material, it's a disaster.  If you are prepared and you understand how to connect with your audience, you educate and inspire -- in a word, you ignite the audience.

Below is an example of Ignite done very well, by Michael Bossone (Miami Law, co-founder of Law Without Wall).  This presentation just got a rousing ovation at the Law Tech Boot Camp in London.  I saw it happen live.  It was awesome.

Kudos to Dan Katz, Renee Newman Knake, and Michigan State Law for putting together a program chock full of substance on the application of technology to the law. 

[posted by Bill Henderson]

Current events, Innovations in law, Innovations in legal education, New and Noteworthy, Video interviews | Permalink


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