Sunday, June 2, 2024
A New Parlor Is Open: Legal Writing Faculty Must Develop Scholarship on Generative AI And Legal Writing
Here is an important new article on AI and legal scholarship by Professor Kirsten Davis:
"As legal communication experts, legal writing faculty are well-situated to be frequent and assertive speakers in this conversation and to author scholarship that will substantially alter and define the discipline of legal writing for many years to come."
"[M]y goal in inviting legal writing scholars to develop the conversation about the impact of generative AI on legal writing is to establish a discursive space where scholars can explore the issues that are ripe and relevant for exploration."
"The training and interests of legal writing faculty are well-suited for this research."
"Generative AI represents the kind of revolutionary innovation that marks the beginning of a paradigm shift because it is destined to change the thinking about (at least) some of the legal writing field’s fundamental concepts and practices."
(Scott Fruehwald)