Wednesday, September 4, 2019
New phone app lets you point camera at legal citation then pulls case from Google Scholar
This goes in the "what'll-they-think-of-next" file and comes courtesy of Bob Ambrogi's always informative and timely LawSites blog. It's a smartphone app that lets you point your camera at a case citation and then pulls the case up from Google Scholar. The app is called "Opinion Minion" and works as illustrated below. At present, it's only available for iPhones and iPads but an Android version is in the works. Available from the Apple app store for only 99 cents.
Get it here.
I just searched for this app and it costs $6.99 on the Canadian version of the App Store! I knew the value of our dollar relative to the US greenback was low, but since when was $0.99 US equal to $6.99 Canadian?
Posted by: Len Rotman | Sep 6, 2019 5:52:22 PM