Sunday, January 29, 2017

ACLU sees record amount of online donations following Trump's immigration ban

The Hill is reporting that following Trump's signing of an order on Friday (which also happened to be Holocaust Remembrance Day and thus his timing offended many Jewish groups) banning immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries including a moratorium on Syrian refugees fleeing persecution (though no country where Trump has business interests was included on his list of banned countries) the ACLU had more than 150,000 new membership applications over the weekend and also saw a nearly seven-fold increase in donations totaling $19 million as of Sunday night (update: more than $24 million) compared to its typical annual donation amount of $3-4 million.  

Read the full "Hill" story here. And you can become a member of the ACLU by clicking here and make a financial donation to here.   

Perhaps an unintended consequences of Trump's executive order fiasco over the weekend (which some senior administration insiders have characterized as akin to watching the "Keystone Cops" at work - so much for Trump's reputation as a "master" businessman) is that he's creating more jobs for lawyers than at anytime since the Great Recession of 2009-10.


Updated at 3:00 a.m. EST - CNN Money is now reporting that the ACLU has racked up more than $24 million over the weekend.

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