Friday, May 24, 2013

Required reading for lawyers-to-be and recent grads alike.

Richard Susskind's new book Tomorrow's Lawyers: An Introduction to Your Future has been out for a little while now.  If you didn't already know, Mr. Susskind is the author of the highly influential The End of Lawyers?  Over at Career Center column at ATL, Alison Monahan has a pithy review of the book with the recommendation that all those contemplating law school, those still in law school and those who have recently graduated should read it to better position themselves to compete with the coming rise of the lawyer-bots.  

Here are a couple of points Ms. Monahan has summarized from the book:

Post-Great Recession, even high-end clients are exerting price pressure on the large law firms who once charged pretty much whatever they wanted. At the low end, most individuals and small businesses can’t afford the legal help they need, and are going DIY or doing without. Everyone wants better results, for less money.

. . . .

[Y]ou might be wondering if the whole profession is doomed. Susskind’s answer is “Not Necessarily.”

The book contains a useful section of questions to ask of any legal employer you’re considering working for, to see how prepared they are for the future. And he includes a list of legal-related jobs that are likely to expand in the future (overseeing the machines and managing complex disaggregation projects, mostly).

If you think there’s any chance Susskind is right about what’s coming (or, more importantly, if you’ve never considered the question), Tomorrow’s Lawyers is required reading.

Continue reading the review here and be sure to check out Ms. Monahan's own great blog The Girl's Guide to Law School.


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