Monday, October 25, 2010

Billable Hour Credit for Blogging?

That’s one proposal put forward by Dallas lawyer Michael Maslanka who encourages law firms to implement a social media policy. Here’s the first paragraph of his article in the October  issue of the Texas Bar Journal:

Here are a few radical ideas. Law firms should allow billable hour credit for lawyers and paralegals who use social media. Lawyers who manage, encourage, and educate colleagues about the uses of social media should receive bonuses. Law firm websites should be given a sense of immediacy with podcasts, blogs, and videos.

 To read his full article, please click here.


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I definitely like the idea of getting some kind of credit for blogging, but against your billable hour requirement? I have long been a proponent of associates getting credit for business development efforts, and I think blogging is at its heart a marketing activity.

Posted by: Tom Mighell | Oct 25, 2010 3:58:44 PM

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