Wednesday, August 7, 2024
No Thanks For Sharing
The Michigan Attorney Discipline Board has reprimanded an attorney
Respondent and the Grievance Administrator filed a Stipulation for Consent Order of Discipline in accordance with MCR 9.115(F)(5), which was approved by the Attorney Grievance Commission and accepted by Muskegon County Hearing Panel #3. The stipulation contained respondent’s no contest plea to the factual allegations set forth in the formal complaint and the allegations of professional misconduct set forth in paragraphs 47(a) and (b), namely that respondent committed professional misconduct when he disclosed information about a jury verdict respondent obtained, contrary to the wishes of his client, who wanted to avoid publicity regarding the case and trial. The stipulation also contained the parties' agreement to dismiss the remaining allegations of professional misconduct.
Based upon respondent's no contest plea as set forth in the parties' stipulation, the panel found that respondent failed to keep a client reasonably informed about the status of a matter and/or failed to comply promptly with reasonable requests for information, in violation of MRPC 1.4(a); and revealed a confidence or secret of a client, in violation of MRPC 1.6.
(Mike Frisch)