Saturday, August 10, 2024
Near The Children's Museum
The Indiana Supreme Court has suspended an attorney convicted of a felony offense on an interim basis pending final discipline
The Court, being duly advised and upon consideration of all materials submitted, now finds that Respondent has been found guilty of the following offense under Indiana law: Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated Causing Death, a level 4 felony.
Fox 59 reported on the charges
Investigators claim that a man was driving drunk at speeds of over 70 miles per hour when he reportedly ran a red light near the Children’s Museum and collided into the side of a Honda Civic, killing the 32-year-old driver.
Jacob Agee, 40, has been charged with two counts of causing death while operating a vehicle while intoxicated, both Level 4 felonies. He also faces an additional charge of reckless homicide, a Level 5 felony.
According to court documents, Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Officers were called to the intersection of Meridian Street and E. 30th Street, next to the Children’s Museum, at 11:05 p.m. on Friday on report of a crash resulting in injury.
Police arrived on scene to find a Honda Civic with extensive damage to the driver’s side along with a Jeep with extensive lower front-end damage.
According to witnesses and surveillance footage, Agee was driving the Jeep north on Meridian Street and did not stop for a red light. He drove through the intersection and slammed into the driver’s side of the Civic.
Data pulled from the Jeep during the investigation revealed that Agee was driving 73 mph five seconds before impact and 78 mph 1.4 seconds before impact.
A blood draw also revealed that Agee’s blood alcohol content was .18 percent.
Police collected surveillance footage from nearby cameras as part of their investigation, including from the Children’s Museum.
In the footage, detectives said Agee can be seen exiting the Jeep after his vehicle spun 180 degrees following the collision.
The Civic was pushed by the impact of the collision into an IndyGo Red Line bus station before coming to a stop, police said.
On scene, officers reported Agee had the odor of alcohol on his breath along with having glassy eyes and poor dexterity.
Agee is being held in Marion County Jail on a $20,000 bond.
(Mike Frisch)