Saturday, November 12, 2016

Call for Proposals: Institute for Law Teaching and Learning’s Summer '17 Conference

The conference, “Teaching Cultural Competency and Other Professional Skills Suggested by ABA Standard 302,” will take place July 7-8, 2017 at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law. 

The Institute invites proposals for workshop sessions addressing how law schools are responding to ABA Standard 302’s call to establish learning outcomes related to “other professional skills needed for competent and ethical participation as a member of the legal profession,”  such as “interviewing, counseling, negotiation, fact development and analysis, trial practice, document drafting, conflict resolution, organization and management of legal work, collaboration, cultural competency and self-evaluation.” The conference will focus on how law schools are incorporating these skills, particularly the skills of cultural competency, conflict resolution, collaboration, self-evaluation, and other relational skills, into their institutional outcomes, designing courses to encompass these skills, and teaching and assessing these skills. The deadline to submit a proposal is February 1, 2017. Submit proposals via email to Kelly Terry, Co-Director, Institute for Law Teaching and Learning, at [email protected].

A Word doc -- Download CFP Summer 2017 Bowen Conference -- has full information on proposals, or attending. Enjoy! [Alan Childress]

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