Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Law and Justice from Leading Voices in the Academy and Public Service

A little off-topic, perhaps, but here's a shout out to the Legal History Blog and editor Dan Ernst for today's generous post on my Quid Pro publishing project. While Dan notes several books there that were just released -- such as reprinting Harry Scheiber's The Wilson Administration and Civil Rights -- the book most fitting our own blog is ASU's Marjorie Zatz, Marie Provine and James Walsh's collection, Law and the Quest for Justice. Chapters are written by such accomplished people as Charles Ogletree, Erwin Chemerinsky, Lani Guinier, Judith Resnik, Jack Greenberg, Anthony Lewis, and Robert Reich. Both of these also have ebook editions, such as Kindle. And not at all on-topic, but a sentimental favorite, is Lee Scheingold's One Silken Thread: Poetry's Presence in Grief.  [Alan Childress]

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