Tuesday, June 8, 2010

In And Out

An attorney admitted to practice in 2006 had his license to practice law revoked by the Wisconsin Supreme Court. In less than five years at the bar, the attorney had racked up 55 charges of ethical violations in 10 separate matters. The attorney had been suspended in 2009 for failure to cooperate in the disciplinary matters and did not participate in the ensuing proceedings. He had no prior discipline (and precious little time to accumulate a record).

The referee noted:

This case portrays extremely troublesome conduct on the part of an attorney admitted to practice for only a few years.  Not only did he take fees from clients under false pretenses, he totally abandoned his responsibilities toward those clients and absconded with the money.  He has not cooperated at all with the investigation or prosecution of these proceedings against him.  The evidence suggests that Attorney Fisher has left the country.  The Referee and counsel for OLR are simply unable to locate him.  Although he has no prior disciplinary record, his actions are egregious and absolutely unacceptable. 

Not sure I've seen such a short career with so many charges leading to revocation. (Mike Frisch)


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It's interesting to note that Wisconsin has a "Diploma Privilege" which does not require a Bar exam or MPRE for graduates of in-state law schools (UW, Marquette). In-state law graduates only have to complete the Diploma Privilege Character and Fitness Certification application forms within 30 days of graduation to wave out of the Bar exam. While the Bar is supposed to conduct character and fitness investigations of these individuals, I wonder where this lawyer went to law school.

Posted by: Mark Rosch | Jun 8, 2010 11:07:34 AM

It should be noted that it seems he was only REALLY practiciing for 2 years and that all 10 occurences seem to be contemporaneous. He abandoned his practice in 2008, which led to all of the complaints.

Posted by: Justin | Jun 9, 2010 6:28:31 AM

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