Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Chief Justice Roberts Joins "One Really Big Flub" Pantheon; Rowan Atkinson Considered for 2012 Oath
Posted by Jeff Lipshaw
You don't get into this club by being a loser. Oh no. You have to have a life of great accomplishment. But you also have to be remembered primarily for one great flub. The charter member was Chris Webber of "I thought we had a time-out" fame, and he was joined by Phil Luckett, the referee who couldn't seem to get the coin toss straight.
Other nominees will be accepted in comments.
Well, it could have been worse. Rowan Atkinson could have been administering the oath.
all obviously beaten by jackie smith and bill buchner. and i would say scott norwood, except it was clear the bills were not doing what they should to get into his realistic range in those conditions so really it was miscoaching from a harvard grad. also fred brown, but on hindsight destiny was obviously on the side of a unc team with both worthy and jordan.
you only have webber on the list because your michigan wolverine heart sank into your stomach at that time out. but since their banner no longer flies in your arena, they were not even really in the finals after all, right? like an annulment.
in law, the closest thing would be potter stewart, who did not want the word pornography and "know it" to be the lede part of his eulogy but it certainly is.
Posted by: Legal Profession Prof | Jan 20, 2009 5:41:44 PM