Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New Blog From a Hiring Partner Offers Great Tips From the Inside

Posted by Alan Childress

Enter the blogger named Hiring Partner.  The semi-mysterious guy (or is he a guy? -- actually seems like a composite, to me, of a hiring partner and the firm's recruitment coordinator, but I don't mind) started to blog Friday, at Hiring Partner's Office, and it is already interesting.  He sits at the other side of the summer associates' (and later 2L interviewees') worldview.  "I am the hiring partner at an office of an AM LAW 200 law firm.  I oversee on campus recruiting at targeted law schools for our office and local candidates for other firm offices.  I also manage our summer associate program."  He is the decider.

Why blog?  Mainly it's "the millenials (sp?). I keep hearing it is a generational thing.  I thought it would be useful to have a blog where law students and others can learn about things that -- despite their great grades and stellar pedigrees -- can nevertheless disrupt your getting an offer at the firm of your choice. You would be amazed at some of the things that have been occurring." 

On the 'amazed' front, consider his top ten things that annoy your hiring partner, compiled after a poll of hiring partner friends.  (I had no idea they formed a clique.)   For example, advice at a social function held at some partner's house:

Be charming and pleasant.  Be respectful.  DO NOT take off your flip flops (btw, don't wear flip flops!) and put your bare feet on the partner's couch/chair, etc -- YES, I saw this one happen myself.  YOU ARE NOT AT HOME.

And a later post asks summer associates to assess where they are, substantively, not just socially.  Finish strong.


Associates, Blogging, Hiring, Interviewing | Permalink

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