Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Summer Job?
I was sitting in the examination room at the MedSport Clinic in Ann Arbor with my son, and he objected to my reading People. He handed me instead a magazine with the enticing title of Successful Farming (it was that or Teen Vogue). I thought the classifieds had some interesting entries. One was for "After Dinner Speaker", guaranteeing "overall wit and wisdom." I thought I could do that.
There was also this:
Wanted JD Combine Operators, and Kenworth Truck Drivers for 2007 harvest. May to November. Willing to train. Grove Harvesting. [phone numbers].
I'm assuming JD equals John Deere, but I thought it was cool anyway. (When I showed it to my son, he said "Soylent Green is lawyers!")
ADDENDUM: One other thing. I have typical male-pattern blindness (ask my wife), but in some circumstances I can get hyper-observant. There was a "pain guide" on the wall by which you were supposed to estimate pain level. Zero pain was signified by a full grin Smiley Face. At full bore pain of ten, the Smiley Face was in sheer torture, its mouth shaping a scream and tears running down its yellow visage. But the neutral Smiley Face was at about six, and even at two, which was "moderate pain," the Smiley Face still had a half-grin. I thought there was something wrong with a chart that had the Smiley Face smiling at any pain.
[Jeff Lipshaw]
I HAVE my pain guide card from my experience bearing my firstborn. (I borrowed it from Sibley Hospital). I thought it was funny, and so perhaps I was smirking at 6 or 7.
Posted by: Allison Hayward | Jun 29, 2007 6:39:10 PM