Monday, May 2, 2016

Colorado Supremes Invalidate Fracking Moratoria, Bans

In long-awaited decisions, today the Colorado Supreme Court invalidated the City of Fort Collins fracking moratorium and the City of Longmont's fracking ban as pre-empted by state law. The decisions can be found here.  The cities had argued that their regulation of fracking were valid land use controls, but the Court did not agree.

However, the fight from fracking in Colorado is far from over, as signature gathering is underway for several ballot initiatives for the November election.

Jamie Baker Roskie

Environmentalism, Local Government, Oil & Gas | Permalink


No surprise here. Colorado case law has been fairly clear and consistent. The only state that allows fracking bans at this point is New York. Their case is rather odd, and an anomaly.

Posted by: Jesse Richardson | May 3, 2016 10:56:12 AM