Thursday, February 27, 2014

Touro Hosts Incubator Conference

Lots of exciting stuff happening at Touro Law nowadays, where leading land use star Patricia Salkin is now the Dean.  One thing I'm particularly excited about is their upcoming conference on law firm incubators.  From the conference website:

In striving to create sustainable post-graduate programs, law school, Legal Aid and bar association administrators, in conjunction with faculty members, alumni relations directors, career service providers and local NGOs, are working together to create meaningful support programs for their graduates or members. The challenges lie in managing limited resources available for the programs and ultimately ensuring sustainability of the programs and the law practices created by the participants.
This conference will explore ways to overcome institutional obstacles to program development and implementation, promote collaboration among interested organizations, define costs involved in creating new programs, and highlight the best practices for successful post-graduate incubators and residency programs. It will use a range of formats: speaker presentations, round-table discussions and visits to programs in New York City metropolitan area.
The conference is April 3-4 in Long Island.  I plan to attend, and I hope to meet some of you there!
Jamie Baker Roskie

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