Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Introducing Troy Rule

The Land Use Prof Blog is delighted to welcome its newest guest blogger, Professor Troy A. RuleRule-t Prof. Rule is an Associate Professor at the University of Missouri School of Law.  He teaches land use, secured transactions, and sales & leases, and his research focuses on renewable energy and property law.  He's an alum of BYU and Chicago and worked in the finance industry before a law practice in Seattle focused on commercial real estate and wind energy.

We've featured his scholarship several times on the blog, including Shadows on the Cathedral: Solar Access Laws in a Different LightRenewable Energy and the Neighbors; and, most recently, Sharing the Wind.  His next piece is Airspace in a Green Economy, forthcoming in the UCLA Law Review.  He was also recently on a well-received panel at ALPS with some of our regular Land Use bloggers. 

It's a great privilege to introduce Troy and to add him to the list of outstanding new voices in land use law that we've been lucky enough to host here.  It's fantastic that he has volunteered to guest-blog during May, which is the month that most of us love to procrastinate by reading blogs, but are too busy grading to write very much.  So thanks to him for signing up!  On top of all of his scholarly accomplishments, Troy Rule might just have the single greatest name of any junior scholar in the legal academy.  We look forward to reading.

Matt Festa


Clean Energy, Property, Real Estate Transactions, Scholarship, Teaching, Wind Energy | Permalink

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