Friday, October 22, 2010

"So You Want to Go to Law School"

WARNING: This post is blatantly non-land use related.

This morning in class my students mentioned this YouTube video.  Using a animated film-making software called "Xtra Normal" (Slogan - "if you can type, you can make a movie).  "So You Want to Go to Law School" is a funny, very jaded conversation between a wanna-be law student and a cynical, exhausted corporate lawyer. Sample dialogue:

WBLS: "I love your Blackberry."

CECL: "I do not like my Blackberry. I want to torture it until it begs me to kill it."

Kudos to blogger dwkazzie for this hilarious film.  Now I just need to help my students avoid slipping into a depression after watching it...

Jamie Baker Roskie

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Hi there,

I'm the author of the video -- thanks for the posting of the site. And I'm glad you thought it was funny -- I've been wondering what law school academics have thought of it -- people have been joking me that the admissions dean of the law school I graduated from has put out a contract on me...

Posted by: dwkazzie | Oct 22, 2010 4:45:49 PM

Hilarious indeed!

Posted by: Richard - The Video Dolly Guy | Oct 26, 2010 1:34:45 PM