Sunday, January 31, 2010
Real Estate Writing Competition...
Below is information about a new real estate writing competition from the New York Law School:
The Center for Real Estate Studies and The Graduate (LL.M.) Program in Real Estate at New York Law School present The 1st Annual NYLS Real Estate Law WRITING COMPETITION
Designed to encourage scholarship on all aspects of real estate and land use law, including transactional practice, financing, housing and mortgage law, zoning, condominium and common interest communities, sustainable development and building, international and comparative law, and public policy.
All submissions must be fully cited in Bluebook format. Deadline: April 1, 2010 Prizes: 1st Place - $1000* Honorable Mention - $500 * Winning Entry will also be considered for publication in the New York Law School Law Review.
Open To: Students Enrolled in degrees programs at American and Canadian law schools. Submit: An electronic copy of your article in Microsoft Word Format to [email protected]
Thanks to Professor Marshall Tracht, the Director of Graduate Real Estate Programs at NYLS for passing this along.
--Chad Emerson, Faulkner U.
Good,this New York Law School comes up every time with brilliant ideas like this.This competition will not only motivate the participants but also immensely increased their knowledge.
This will help the institute to search the fully deserved person for the scholarship.Good to know that.
Posted by: Real Estate agent | Feb 10, 2010 3:54:25 AM