Monday, May 24, 2021

Conference: Future of Work & AI

GenevaDesiree LeClerq (Cornell ILR) sends word of an upcoming (free to register) video conference on 3 June at 4pm CET for a joint conference series on the Future of Work and AI. Here is the description:

Big data and artificial Intelligence have started to impact Human Resource management. Hiring, firing, performance appraisal, competence development and talent management have all seen an increasing use of AI-based tools. Where do we stand at the moment in this process? What can AI already achieve today and what may it achieve in the near future? And will the employment of AI also create more opportunities and bestow us with better jobs?

Join us on 3 June at 4pm CET for a discussion with top speakers Peter Cappelli (Wharton School), Ashutosh Garg (Eightfold.AI) and Janine Berg (International Labour Organization) as well as many other experts during the first event of our joint conference series on the Future of Work and AI. Register here,


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