Saturday, November 28, 2020
NYU Conference: Re-Training America for the Future of Work
NYU Law School's Center for Labor & Employmet Law is holding an interesting conference this week on "Re-Training America for the Future of Work." The info:
The introduction of artificial intelligence, and machine learning in the workplace has sparked vigorous debate around the extent of worker displacement that could result. Imbedded in these conversations is a consensus on the need for major efforts at worker training, retraining, upskilling, and reskilling. The discussants will cover varying approaches to workforce training to meet the demands of employers for skilled workers while ensuring that high quality career paths await the trainees. The discussants will highlight barriers to quality jobs, including unnecessary licensure requirements, and obstacles to establishing effective training programs. They will also evaluate various approaches to workforce development, including private-sector initiatives, community college-led training, training intermediaries, union and DOL-backed Registered Apprenticeship, a new Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Program, regional investment, and other models that encourage collective investment in training today’s and tomorrow’s workers. REGISTER
- Daniel Bustillo, Director, Healthcare Career Advancement Program (H-CAP)
- Robert Chiapetta, Director of Government Relations, Toyota USA
- Prof. Morris Kleiner, AFL-CIO Chair in Labor Policy, University of Minnesota Humphrey School of Public Affairs
- Dr. Livia Lam, Senior Fellow and Director of Workforce Development Policy, Center for American Progress
- James Murphy, Esq., Spivak Lipton
- Amy Peterson, Executive Director, NYC Mayor's Office of Workforce Development
- Paul Salvatore, Esq., Proskauer
- Teresita Wisell, Vice President and Dean for Workforce Development and Community Education, Westchester Community College
Jeff Hirsch