Thursday, April 11, 2019

New Book: Sperino's Law of Employment Discrimination

SperinoCongratulations to Sandra Sperino (Cincinnati) on the publication of her new book The Law of Employment Discrimination (1st ed., West 2019). Here's the publisher's description: 

This book provides comprehensive treatment of the major federal employment discrimination statutes, focusing on Title VII, the ADEA, the ADA, and Section 1981. It discusses who is liable for discrimination and the people the statutes protect from discrimination. The book offers an extensive discussion of the frameworks for analyzing discrimination, including frameworks for individual disparate treatment, pattern or practice, harassment, disparate impact, and retaliation. One chapter focuses on religious accommodation and another chapter focuses on disability accommodation. The book also contains separate treatment of affirmative action. It also explores defenses to discrimination claims, the procedure for pursuing claims, and remedies. The book provides extensive discussion of canonical cases.


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