Saturday, October 13, 2018
ILERA Call for Book Proposals
ILERA is pleased to announce the third call for book proposals with the theme of comparative labour and employment relations. The term “labour and employment relations” will be interpreted broadly to include all aspects of work including labour policy, labour market analysis, labour relations and collective bargaining, human resource management, and work- and workplace- related topics. Book proposals by a single author, multiple authors, or edited volumes will all be welcome. Books in this series will be published by ILERA in English, French or Spanish, based on the language of the manuscripts received.
A Committee of Editors was established under the leadership of Prof. Mia Rönnmar (Lund University, Sweden), President-Elect of ILERA, who will act as Editor-in Chief. Editorial members include: Prof. Anil Verma (University of Toronto, Canada), Prof. Annette Jobert (ENS Cachan, France), and Prof. Cecilia Senén González (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina).
To encourage members to submit high-quality book proposals, ILERA provides an incentive of USD 5,000 as a contribution towards the expenses of preparing a manuscript which is accepted for publication. Future book royalties will accrue to ILERA.
The deadline for submission of the book proposal has been extended to 30 November 2018.
Proposals should elaborate on the following headlines:
- a brief description of the themes of the book;
- its contribution to existing knowledge in the field;
- its novelty compared with similar previous books;
- a summary of the structure and contents of the book;
- the names, full contact details and institutional affiliations of the authors and editors (if necessary);
- a curriculum vitae of all contributors; and
- a proposed time-table for completion of the manuscript.
Proposals can be sent by e-mail to: [email protected] and [email protected].